

Saturday, November 18, 2006


yeah....i reverted back to faithful ubuntu.....had been busy the last few days , so i've not explored ubuntu.........
i noticed just today that one of my hard disks was missin.......hmmm...i go to the bios ....and it's detected......try all usual stuff.......everythin fine.....
i go onlyn.....and's a bug....no1 can access their jmicron PATA controllers .......darn...i cant access any of my music and videos.......darn darn darn.....
then i got this thought....y not plug in my ipod,,,,,??...i do it......presto......detected as ipod....kool....rhythmbox opens music library is far kool.....
until i attept playin any song....nothin plays...i need to get codecs....FOR MP3's....damn.....
after fig uring out dependencies..and d'loadin all sorts of shit.......after 2 hrs i'm still unable to play ne music.....
iono.....ubuntu is kool...but this aspect....iono...

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