

Saturday, December 02, 2006


heylo heylo heylo
got my broadband connexion(read life) i can download to my heart's content...just not satisfied wid the 30-38kBps d'load rate....i hope as Maran had told , that 256kbps internet will be a thing of the past....supposedly at new year....well lets wait and c....until then...this'll have to do.....

Monday, November 20, 2006

Automatix to the rescue me mp3's and videos and dvd's to play on ubuntu.....sweet....and it was all due to software from's actually automates gettin software using apt-get commands kool....and no need to worry about dependencies....and the varios version availabe.....hats off to those peepz hu dreamed up and coded such a sweet program....i'm loving it.....

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Internet connexion

my dad and i , go to bsnl office....and (re)apply for the internet connexion.......hey it's easy.....i opt for a wifi modem.......the whole process is over in about 30 mins.......i hope i get my broadband soon.........
so much work to do....,,,so lil time(and bandwidth).....


yeah....i reverted back to faithful ubuntu.....had been busy the last few days , so i've not explored ubuntu.........
i noticed just today that one of my hard disks was missin.......hmmm...i go to the bios ....and it's detected......try all usual stuff.......everythin fine.....
i go onlyn.....and's a bug....no1 can access their jmicron PATA controllers .......darn...i cant access any of my music and videos.......darn darn darn.....
then i got this thought....y not plug in my ipod,,,,,??...i do it......presto......detected as ipod....kool....rhythmbox opens music library is far kool.....
until i attept playin any song....nothin plays...i need to get codecs....FOR MP3's....damn.....
after fig uring out dependencies..and d'loadin all sorts of shit.......after 2 hrs i'm still unable to play ne music.....
iono.....ubuntu is kool...but this aspect....iono...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hollow and Empty

You become a perfect instrument of the Divine when you become hollow and empty.


finally, today i decided to burn those slackware iso's which were on a pc quest dvd for a really really long time.......3 mins to copy them......5 mins to burn 2 cd's.....all well....done in ubuntu....
bootin frm cd.....
pretty damn fast....
and what do i get...???
a command line
just whn i start wonderin what in the name of computin i shud do.....this thing just scrolled text tellin that i had to partition my disk using fdisk(again command line) and then run setup.....
with some fumblin and help from man pages i manage it....
take some 20 mins....
all done...
i'm presented an option to install lil0...,,,i decline....i already have grub configured.....
all well till now....
i hold my breath.....
as expected nothin new shows up in grub menu.....i go to the command line instead....
there i discover to my horror that grub does not support reiserFS...i dont panic...i attemp bootin into ubuntu....
for some darned reason it takes unusualy long......fails to bring up the GUI....falls back to command line.....
had to reinstall ubuntu again......
i still have slackware....and iono how to use it....
i'll figure it out....someday....

Thursday, November 16, 2006

One thurday in collg...

Day started off with a bus ride to collg......was yakkin wid shravan bout loads of thins......
finally collg arrives......get down step into class and find Nallathai....-another boring edc class to endure..... ...she goes on mumblin some crap about thoughts drift of to the kind of life i'm currently havin and wha i can do to eemprove it........goes on and on and on.....and finally .....(relief) it is over :).....

Drawing next....this lady starts some mumbo jumbo about projection of line......and yeah blabbers thins bout VP and HP....nice cue to take.....when she asks a question weder sumthin is VP or HP....if her hands r down, it's VP, else HP....and she was tellin somethin bout "your inclination" and "your hp" and "your vp"....break.....seriosly contemplatin to bunk the nex 2 periods......but i stay...madam had not yet taken attendance.....the lasst minutes of drawin was actually interestin......once upon a time saif had written "Dear Jaseema" on a piece of notebook ppr.....i took this piece ....gave it to hani....hani, having nothin better to do wrote out a complete letter....i don't remember the exact words but it was something like this

Dear Jaseema,
I love your hypnotic eyes. I think i'm in love with u. Y did madam ask u to go out during EE, nex time inform me and we could go on a date..

she showed it to saif, and odaz....and told us tha she was gonna give it to jaseema....v thot tha it was really funny....then...she tells us shez given it...(jaseema turned back and looked @ saif at that exact moment)...saif's face turned a shade of deep red......

hmmm....i can't describe the intensity of emotions of the peepz around me in words.....half of em were fightin to sstop lafin....
this goies on for another 10 mins......with saif swearin....sittin rite nex to me....what to do....
lunch break....we pester saif to go tell that it was not him hu rote that letter.......after few minutes of persuasion, he goes....
he starts by askin her about the letter,,,,,then starts simpering like an idiot.....
v decide to relieve him.........v signal him to come back and v tell him nothin went to jaseema......boy, the look on his much relief.....hmmmmm...tha was nice.....

then physics.....guys had setup an alarm in ramans mobile.....ameen told raman to remove the battery but raman just switched it off.....went off in physics class.....we all had a nice time watching flustered raman...fumblin wid his mobile....sir siezed it till the end of the period.....

day at collg ended wid amir askin me bout which phone to buy......iono ,but all sorts of peepz come to me for their tech's good least i get their undivided attention in this topic......but i feel it wud b better i cud pull this off , wid ne topic......i suggested he buy an N71....dunno if any better option is currently available.....

jus got up

As i predicted......downloads lost sometime around 2:30 AM........still 180 files to go.........i had to dial this connexion for 20 times startin frm 5:30...upto now 2 get a connexion......crap, i tell ya....and ubuntu does not even allow me to limit my modems speed...........bsnl for some crappy reason doen not like modems speeding above 57600 kbps ....i supect this 2 b the cause of me not being able to connect to the internet.........i'm seriosly debatin weder 2 go 2 casino royale on sat...i have to get to ma bus stop within 1 hr.....collg. is depressin.....plannin on cuttin half the clases 2day.......need to chk out the 2Mbps(supposedly) internet @ collg,,,,,was jus lisenin to my r the lines i like the most....

Artist: Linkin Park
Song: My December

this is my december
this is my time of the year
this is my december
this is all so clear

this is my december
this is my snow covered home
this is my december
this is me alone

and i
just wish that i didnt feel
like there was something i missed
and i
take back all the things i said
to make you feel like that
and i
just wish that i didnt feel
like there was something i missed
and i
take back all the things i said to you

and i give it all away
just to have somewhere to go to
give it all away
to have someone to come home to

this is my december
these are my snow covered dreams
this is me pretending
this is all i need

hmmmm, ma friend adith txtd est @ 10:30 .....and of allll reasones....he'd txtd to ask the meanin of bayoneted....i was so sleepy that i just gave him the meanin...and did not ask y....mayb i shud do that whn i call him next...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

First post....

i set up this blog......yet again......i hope i cross the 5 posts limit........wha 2 do.......i'm still on dial-up and it's killing me's like a slow and gradual, painful death......i'm currently downloading upgrades for my ubuntu x86_64 which would(hopefully) complete in 13 hrs.....